Sunday 10 April 2016

Individual Documents on 'Spaces & Exchanges' Notion

First and foremost, an exchange is the act of  giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. Nowadays these exchanges can take several forms:  economic (work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders), cultural (exchange of ideas, information, education), and movement of people (immigration, student exchanges, gap years). Modern world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in technology and communication. Information exchange has become easier thanks to the internet and international trade has enabled us to expand our markets for goods and services that might not have been available to us.  These different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have transformed and characterised our world, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. To represent the notion Spaces and exchanges I am going to focus on exchanges in real and virtual spaces.

Chinatown in San Francisco

This document is a photography from Chinatown district in San Francisco, the mo
st popular Chinese neighborhood in the world. I have chosen this picture to represent the real space in the notion as an ethnic neighborhood. In this kind of places, there is just a culture that dominates. In this case, Chinese culture is priority. This image shows us a place in USA 
that transports us to another culture. That is why it seems that we are in another continent. In this ethnic neighborhoods most of the people working in them are native people of for example China. They try to represent the way of life of the original countries that they are inspired by. This districts are made to make immigrants feel as they were at home, to be better integrated in their new town. In fact, this kind of places are intended to international migration.

Y0utube video of text messaging

This document is a video that shows a couple having a conversation through whatsapp. This video represents the notion spaces and exchanges, more specifically virtual spaces. Basically, this video is composed by two parts, on the one hand there is text messaging, on the other hand there is the same conversation as before but face to face, so, in a real space. In this video, we can see that even if technologies let us to communicated easily, quickly, and in a long distance, it can get to a misunderstanding.

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